Monkey hunting an inhuman job
The shrieks and plaintive cries of monkeys when hunted or trapped can send a chill down the spine of the most seasoned hunter.
Baby monkeys, not realizing that their mothers are dead and oblivious of the carnage around them, continue to clutch them tightly.
When they fail in a trap, a large troop of 30-40 monkeys is decimated, with only a few of the strongest surviving the ordeal while most will be plundered for meat.
The trap: easy for many
To locate a regular hunting field of monkeys, hunters thread their ways through natural forests not too far nor too close from farms or residential areas. Signals could be fingerprints of monkey on tree trunks or their feces.
After finding such an area, hunters hang some smelly fruits or corns on bushes to attract monkeys frequenting the place. A week later, predators come back to the field to check if their fruits are taken and again, and hang others for the second time to make the animals get used to it.
Fruits and corns are sometimes offered as baits for such three straight times in a fortnight.
A day of destiny comes soon later when 3-4 hunters bring scissors, choppers and other necessary devices to net the monkeys.
The trap is easy to set up. Hunters clear all high trees on an area of 50 square meters and only leave some bushes in the center to hang fruits and corns as usual. Nets as high as two meters are spread to surround the whole area.
Some branches are chopped down to make bridges so that monkeys can climb on them to enter the trap area.
It’s finished for the trap. The last job hunters can do is to hide themselves in a big hole dug a meter deep in the earth and wait. The hole and shelter is covered above by a pile of cut-down trees and branches to disguise the hunters’ presence.
Usually, monkeys go hunting from the early morning soon after sunshine.
When the monkey family discovered the fruits and corns, the head male monkey enters first to eat and check. He leaves after filling his stomach full and sits high on the top of a big tree to alert his “disciple” members.
When most of the family’s members fall inside the area, hunters will pull down the rope to withdraw the ‘bridges’ and trap the animals in.
Hunters open a narrow window on the net to enter while the trapped animals run wildly inside the net. Hunters throw other pieces of net upon the heads of the trapped and bound them up and catch them alive.
When they can’t catch them alive, they will shoot them.
A hunter said monkey of less than 2kgs and mother monkey breeding babies are the favorite in the market, especially by the Chinese. On the dining table, a live monkey is tied hands and feet inside a cage; only its head protrudes outside.
Restaurant waiter uses a big, sharp blade to slice open the money’s head while it is still alive to reveal the poor animal’s brain.
Diners can put some seasoning onto the brain and use a spoon to scoop out the brain and eat it.
The body of the monkey will be cooked later.
Followings are images of a big family of monkeys trapped for meat:

Hunters set up a trap with corns in forest

The male monkey, head of his family, enters and eats first and ony leaves after he's full

Mother holds her baby while trying to escape

Hunters come to pick and tie up some terrified monkeys hiding themselves in a corner

Each animal is tightly tied up and put in a bag

Strong animals fighting against hunters even after being caught will have their teeth broken off to prevent against biting

Baby monkey embraces the body of its mother who was killed after fighting back hunters to protect her child

The head male monkey looks stunned and stupefied on a tree, witnessing helplessly his fellows caught up and killed

Lucky escapees hide on a big tree and witness the slaughter of their relatives