30 Examples Of Stunningly Creative Healthcare Advertising

When it comes to advertising you need to be very creative to catch the attention of the audience and make an impact with your advertisement and also convince the audience about the quality of the product. Health care products advertising should be able to make an impact to their audience because products like weight loss, Hair treatment, Skin care, Personal hygiene etc. are related to once health and fitness. People are also very careful about choosing the right health products, so it's very important to give the right message about the product through the advertising.

Below mentioned are some of the really creative health care advertisements which are easily understandable and make a good impact about the product.

Purell: Glove

 Listermint Mouthwash: Round 1 - Bad breath affects those closest to you.

 Head&Shoulders: Mona Lisa - The head&shoulders point of view
 Veet: Soap - No hair is better

 Venus Razors: Seriously smooth legs, Wedding

 Carre' Fresh: Toilet brush - Wipe whatever you've touched

 Del Mar: Pig - Del Mar medical spa, expert weight loss programs.

Pantene: Slippery 

Axe: Finally - Finally! My fingers are burning. 

 Colgate Plax: Fish  - Don't mask it. Eliminate it.

Fenistil: Itch - Calming the itch a smoother way.

 Airports are testing the bodyscanner. Are you in shape?

 Your age won’t bother you anymore.

 O.K. Condoms: Truck: Don't say, "It won't happen to me"

Lifebuoy: Dog: "You eat what you touch". 

 Parissa Wax Strips: Backvertising

 Durex "O": The Power of pleasure: Stimulating gel for female orgasm.

 Even Mouthwash: Rollercoaster: Against bad breath.

 Clearex: Pacman: Don't hide it, clear it.

 Even Mouthwash: Birthday

 Happydent: Necklace

 Sensodyne: Feathers

 Samantha Cracked Heel Lotion: Sexy Heels

Kleenex: Soap dispenser: Got Flu? 

 Gold's Gym Costa Rica: Belt

 Safeguard: Battleship:Everything is a toy to kids. Safeguard

 Johnny Andrean: Handles

 Gold's Gym Costa Rica: Tie

 Minus 10 anti-ageing cream: Fight ageing

 Oral B Dental Floss: "Keep dentists out of your mouth."
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