Dairy companies want price registration rule to cover more firms 
Last updated: 10/25/2010 17:00 
The government is tightening control over milk prices
Some dairy firms that have been ordered by the Ministry of Finance to register their prices have said it’s not fair to leave other companies out of this regulation, news website VnExpress reported Monday.

The report did not say which companies made the complaint. In the Ministry of Finance’s list of 150 companies that must register their prices, there are seven dairy firms, including foreign producers like Friesland Campina, Nestlé, Mead Johnson, Meiji and 3A Pharma – the official distributor of Abbott in Vietnam.

VnExpress cited an official of a firm as saying that other major companies like Vinamilk, Nutifood, Dumex and Milex should be required to register their prices as well.

Nguyen Tien Thoa, head of the Price Management Department at the Ministry of Finance, said the department decided which companies to put on the list based on many criteria including their size, market share and sales.
He said the selection was fair and the ministry will continue to ask more companies to register their prices.

“We are willing to receive opinions and proposals to include more companies in the list,” Thoa said. Prices can be registered with either the Ministry of Finance or provincial finance departments, he added.

Also on the list are eight cement producers, 18 steel companies, eight sugar producers, 10 animal feed manufacturers and five liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) traders. These companies will be required to register their prices when they launch a new product for the first time or whenever ordered to do so by the authorities.
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