Plan to sell government guest house raises concern

The Ministry of Finance’s decision to allow the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to auction off the Government Guest House in Ho Chi Minh City to raise funds for other projects is making local residents and architects worry.

Under the plan, the HCMC People’s Committee will soon decide a starting price for investors to bid for the right to use the 3.5-ha guest house, located at No. 1 on Ly Thai To Street in District 10 or what is considered a “golden spot” in HCMC.

Despite the monetary benefit of selling the old French-style villa, many are worried lest it should be turned to trade centers or modern apartments and thus lose its historical and architectural values. 

Architect Le Quang Ninh for instance said for whatever economic purpose it should serve, this villa, and several others like it throughout Saigon, reflects a great architectural style typical of pre-1975 Saigon and should thus be preserved. 

Researcher Nguyen Dinh Dau agreed.

Dau said this villa lies within a group of green and low-rise landscapes including the Saigon Zoo, Le Duan Street, Reunification Palace, and the area from Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street to Ly Thai To Street that were built by the French to attract winds from the eastern seas to cool down the Sai Gon – Cho Lon residential areas.

Ninh suggests the best way to use this villa should be to turn it into a five-star restaurant for tourists. 

By doing so, both monetary and architectural interests can be served, he said. 

Nguyen Thanh Quy, a senior resident in Ward 1, District 10, said the government should not destroy old villas to build modern apartments.

“The old trees in these villas are like the city’s lungs,” Quy said. “If they are destroyed, billions of dongs can’t buy them back.” 
Already too much of SaiGon's historic heart has been destroyed by developers. This beautiful area should be turned into a recreation park for local residents who are starved for such areas in the vicinity. The buildings can be restored and utilized in a way that will enhance their architectural beauty. More and more people are using parks for exercise and recreation - just look at the crowds each morning and evening in the parks along Le Lai and Nguyen Thi Minh Khai. Give this beautiful area back to all the local people.
Written by Brian Lamprelll , 18 May 2011 15:00
I completely agree with Mr Ninh about preserving it.We'd better not destroy any historical land
Written by Phuc , 18 May 2011 11:36
Why do they want to destroy V.N. history?
Written by Kalvin , 18 May 2011 10:25
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