Vietnamese student cartoon causes stir

“Duoi Bong Cay (In the Shade of the Tree),” a Vietnamese 3D cartoon that has caused a stir on the Internet recently has been shown for free at the Ho Chi Minh City-based cinema BHD before every movie since June 1.
First released on YouTube on May 22, the 7-minute movie, made by a group of students from 18 to 28, has received positive feedback and become a sensation when it reached over 300,000 views after just one week.
“Duoi Bong Cay” tells a simple but emotional story about four characters named Chuot (Mouse), Ech (Frog), Kua (Crab) and Ran (Snake) and their friendship. The movie has impressed audiences with its lively characters, funny plot and cute dubbed voices.
It has made a stir in the local animation industry, which has been dominated by foreign cartoons for a long time.
One YouTube commenter wrote, “I’ve watched it many times. My 3-year-old boy also loves it. It’s a very Vietnamese movie with Vietnamese landscapes and characters. It’s the best Vietnamese cartoon I’ve ever seen.”
BHD cinema said they are showing the movie for children during the summer and to honor young talent in the local animation industry.
“Duoi Bong Cay” is the group’s first complete work, which took five months to finish.
Doan Tran Anh Tuan, leader of the seven-member group said, “All members of the group joined together with their love of cartoons and the desire to make a Vietnamese cartoon for Vietnamese audiences.”
The group is working on its next long-term project called “Kids,” a cartoon about the life of a Vietnamese boy.
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