Party Congress vital for VN’s future: foreign press

Laos’ Pasason newspaper has run an editorial that stressed the significance of the 11th National Party Congress to Vietnam’s Doi moi (renewal) process.
The congress is important to Vietnam as it decides how to transform the country into a modernised and industrialised nation and achieve the goal of building a wealthy people, a strong country and an equal, democratic and civilised society, the Jan. 12 editorial said.
The Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) has, during its 80 years, led Vietnamese people to achieve great victories in many fields, which not only reflect their solidarity and brainpower and strength but also the Party’s sound and clear-sighted political path in any circumstance, it said.
The editorial also highlighted Vietnam’s achievements during 25 years of the Doi moi process, especially those the country reaped during the five-year implementation of the 10 th Party Congress Resolution, which was of historical significance to national defence and construction.
The achievements have created a new position and strength for the country’s development in the next stage, ensuring stable politics and social order and security, it said.
The editorial conveyed the Laos Party and people’s gratefulness to the CPV and the Vietnamese people for their assistance to Laos’ revolution.
The Lao people will never forget the Vietnamese volunteers’ devotion and sacrifice while being sent to Laos for international missions.
The editorial also wishes Vietnam’s 11 th National Party Congress every success and that the friendship and special solidarity between the two Parties, countries and people will continue to develop.
The Duowei news website of Hong Kong on Jan. 11 posted an article by Ai Duo, saying that after 25 years of renovation, Vietnam is becoming the most influential country in the Indochina peninsula.
The Doi moi process has helped the country develop comprehensively, especially in its economy, culture and diplomacy. Vietnam has implemented administrative reform and stabilised the country’s situation.
The article cited UN data published on Dec. 13, 2010, that showed Vietnam as one of the world’s ten fastest growing economies, with annual GDP increasing at 7-8 percent a year.
In 2010, in its capacity as ASEAN Chairman, Vietnam succeeded in organising the ASEAN Summits and East Asia Summits, Ai Duo said.
The article noted that the CPV is conducting its 11 th national congress from Jan. 11-19 to elect new leadership and identify the basic viewpoints for policies in the next 5-10 years.

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